- Patrick Huyghe is a
freelance science writer and contributor to Omni magazine. He is also the author of three books: Glowing Birds: Stories
from the Edge of Science (Faber& Faber, 1985), The Big Splash
(Birch Lane Press, 1990, Avon Books, 1991) and Columbus Was Last
(Hyperion, 1992). His e-mail address is
- Dennis Stacy lives in San
Antonio, Texas. He is editor of the monthly MUFON UFO Journal and
a frequent contributor to Omni magazine and Fortean
Times. He can be reached in writing at PO Box 12434, San Antonio, TX
78212. His e-mail address is
- Ansen Seale is a commercial
photographer and designer based in San Antonio. Ansen created the cover art titled "Premonition" for The Anomalist:2. He also does Web pages and 3-D images. Ansen can be reached by fax at (210) 820-3467 or
e-mail at
- Sal Amendola, a Brooklyn-based artist, was born in Italy in 1948. He attended the Brooklyn Museum Art School and graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 1969. He has been a freelance illustrator and art
instructor since then. A member of the National Cartoonists Society, he has drawn, written and edited for most of the major comics publishers, including DC, Marvel and Archie.
- Robert A. Baker, professor emeritus of psychology at
the University of Kentucky, Lexington, is a staunch skeptic of the UFO
abduction phenomenon. A Fellow of the Committee for the Scientific
Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), Baker is the author or
co-author of six books, including a popular college textbook,
Psychology for Man, along with They Call It Hypnosis and
Missing Memory.
Martin Cannon is a California writer, researcher and artist perhaps
best known for "The Controllers," a widely distributed article that
discerns parallels between known earth-based technologies, including
mind-control procedures of interest to the CIA, among others, and alleged
UFO abductions. A book-length version (340 pages, $14.95) of The Controllers was scheduled to be published in the fall of 1995 by Feral House, PO Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208.
Ev Cochrane is the editor and publisher
of Aeon: a Journal of
Myth and Science, which explores the evidence for catastrophism in
ancient myth and modern science. Cochrane is the author of Martian
Metamorphoses and The Many Faces of Venus, both of which will
be published later this year. His paper, "What Are Mars Rocks Doing on
Earth?" was first presented at the Velikovsky Centenary Conference held in
New York City in July 1995. Cochrane can be reached by fax at (515)
292-2603 or by email at
- Loren Coleman has devoted his life to pursuing
cryptozoological wonders, which made his contribution to The Anomalist:2
("Was the First Bigfoot a Hoax?") particularly difficult to write. "To be
credible, however," he says, "we must search for these mysteries
scientifically, critically and honestly." Coleman is a Research Associate
at the Edmund S. Muskie Institute of Public Affairs at the University of
Southern Maine in Portland. His most recent book is Tom Slick and the
Search for the Yeti (Faber & Faber).
- William Corliss may be the foremost anomalist of our
time. A former physicist in industry, Corliss has devoted the past two
decades to scouring the scientific and semiscientific literature for
anomalies of all kinds. This work, which he calls the Sourcebook Project
(P.O. Box 107, Glen Arm, MD 21057), has thus far led to the publication of
30 volumes on the "unclassified residuum" of science.
- Hilary Evans lives in Blackheath, London, where, with
wife Mary, he operates the Mary Evans Picture Library. He is a prolific
writer on subjects psychical and paranormal, having produced, among other
works over the years, Intrusions; Gods, Spirits, Cosmic
Guardians; Visions, Apparitions, Alien Visitors and
Alternate States of Consciousness. The Mary Evans Picture Library
(59 Tranquil Vale, London, SE3 OBS, England, Tel: 181-318-0034, Fax:
181-852-7211) specializes in the visual documentation of the past and has
graciously supplied much of the art appearing in The Anomalist.
- Michael Grosso, Ph.D. Columbia University, is an
artist, philosopher, and psychic explorer, whose work is about mapping the
multiple ways to liberate human potential. He has been on the faculties of
City University of New York, Kennedy University, Marymount Manhattan
college, and Jersey City State College. He is the author of The Final
Choice, Soulmaker, Frontiers of the Soul, and the
recent Millennium Myth. He is currently at work on a monograph on
life after death for the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
- San Antonio artist Jim Harter creates his striking collages from a personal collection of more than 10,000 images culled from late 19th and early 20th century wood engravings. He has produced a dozen books for
publishers like Dover, Harmony and Bonanza Books. Three CD-ROM collections of clip art are now available from the Jim Harter Archives: Assorted Images, Vol. 1, Images of Women, Vol. 1, and Images of Men, Vol. 1.
- Donna Higbee is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist working with people who feel they have had non-human abduction experiences. She is also interested in receiving further accounts of, and feedback about, th
e issue of spontaneous involuntary invisibility. She can be contacted in writing at PO Box 6404, Santa Barbara, California, 93160, or by email at
- Ted Holden is a computer consultant involved in
artificial intelligence applications in the Washington, D.C. area. He
counts among his hobbies staying abreast of the ongoing controversy
regarding a catastrophic explanation of recent solar system history. (Check
out his WWW page on Catastrophism.) An earlier version of his story, "Dinosaurs: A Problem of Gravity,"
appeared in The Velikovskian, edited by Charles Ginenthal, 65-35
108th Street, Suite D15, Forrest Hills, NY 11375.
- Peter Jordan is a parapsychologist who has spent
twenty years tracking the unexplained. He is a Field Investigator for the
Psychical Research Foundation in Durham, North Carolina and a Research
Specialist in Psychology for the Mutual UFO Network in Seguin, Texas.
Jordan is a professional stand-up comic and lives with his wife and four
psychokinetic cats in Clark, New Jersey.
- Martin Kottmeyer is a chicken farmer and "fringe"
scholar in Carlyle, Illinois. His works have appeared in Magonia,
Archaeus, and numerous other publications. "The First
Extraordinary Claim" in The Anomalist:1 is an excerpt from an unpublished
book manuscript entitled A Most Perfectly Scientific Defense of the
Flat Earth Concept. His article on "UFO Flaps" in The Anomalist:3 is
the co-winner of the Dr. Alexamder Imich Prize Contest No. 5 "for papers
contributing to the understanding of the interaction between the UFO
phenomena and humankind." This contest was sponsored by the Society for
Enlightenment and Transformation of the United Nations.
- Gary S. Mangiacopra,
who admits to having been a
"fortean groupie" since his early teens, has since become an active
cryptozoological researcher and writer on the topic of as-yet-uncaught
animals. He holds a master degree in biology from Southern Connecticut
State University in New Haven. He is currently working on two book
manuscripts dealing with unknown aquatic animals; one on sea-serpents of
the world's seas, the other on their counterparts in the freshwater lakes
of North America.
- David Ritchey, Ph.D. is a reseracher, consultant and
therapist specializing in alternative states of consciousness and
psychological sensitivity. He lives in rural Vermont, refuses to keep a fax
machine in the house, but admits he is considering the purchase of a modem.
- Paul Rydeen works as an engineer when he's not chasing
flying saucers. He is a contributing editor to Crash Collusion
magazine, and has published widely on various aspects of anomalous
phenomena, conspiracies, and the arcane. He is currently editing an
anthology of essays and fiction exploring the metaphysical aspects of late
science fiction author Philip K. Dick's mystical contactee experiences. A
Minnesota native, he currently lives with his family in the cultural eddies
of the deep south. A different version of this article first appeared in Strange Magazine, PO Box, 2246, Rockville, MD 20847.
- Rupert Sheldrake is a London-based biochemist best
known for his radical theory of morphic resonance, which he presented in
A New Science of Life, published in 1981. The controversy that
ensued over this hypothesized web of memory that links generations of
creatures everywhere and allows the experience of each to benefit all has
been further explored in his The Presence of the Past (1988),
The Rebirth of Nature (1990) and in Seven Experiments that
Could Change the World (1995).
- John Shonder is a writer, translator, and mechanical
engineer who does consulting work on energy and environmental issues in
developing countries. a native of Chicago, he now divides his time between
Oak Ridge, Tennessee and Guatemala City, Guatemala. He is currently writing
a novel based on his experiences in Central America. A shorter version of
"Organ Theft Rumors in Guatemela" originally appeared in the October 1994
issue of FOAFTale News, the newsletter of the International
Society for Contemporary Legend Research. For information on the society
write: Paul Smith, Department of Folklore, Memorial University, St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5S7. Shonder's email address is
- Doug Skinner has
published articles in Cover, Weirdo, Nickolodean Magazine and The INFO
Journal. He's lectured on Shaver before the Curt Marcus Gallery, NY,
the Archaeus Society, the International Fortean Organization, and the NY
Fortean Society. Other exploits include portraying the "toilet citizen"
in Crocodile Dundee II, writing the music for the Broadway show
The Regard of Flight, and performing a ventriloquism routine about
UFO abductions on a Showtime Martin Mull Special.
- Dwight G. Smith received his Ph.D. in Zoology from
Brigham Young University in 1971 and has been teaching at Southern
Connecticut State University in New Haven since 1970. He has published 300
scientific papers and ten books, mostly in predator-prey ecology, community
ecology, and endangered species. Smith has conducted research in Siberaia,
South Africa, Namibia, South America, and throughout most of the United
States including Alaska. With Gary Mangiocopra, Smith maintains an interest
in unusual zoological phenomena.
- Dennis Stillings graduated from the University of
Minnesota in Philosophy and Mathematics. From 1975 until 1980, before
forming the Archaeus Project, Stillings directed the Bakken Library of
Electricity in Life, located in St. Paul. Archeaus now devotes its entire
resources to the development of a "healing island destination" on the Big
Island of Hawai'i, which will feature a hospital and other institutions
dedicated to integrating mainstream allopathic medicine with alternative
- Ingo Swann is world-renowned artist and the psychic
who helped pioneer the experimental design for "remote viewing" research at
Stanford Research Institute and the American Society for Psychical
Research. He is also the author of Star Fire, Everybody's
Guide to Natural ESP, and Your Nostradamus Factor.
- Tom Van Flandern is an astronomer and the author of
Dark Matter, Missing Planets & New Comets, published by North
Atlantic Books in 1993. Van Flandern has directed the Celestial Mechanics
Branch of the Nautical Almanac Office of the U.S. Naval Observatory and has
been a consultant to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. His commentary,
"Betting on the 'Mars Face,'" in The Anomalist:2 was adapted from a talk he
presented in Cody, Wyoming and published in the September 15, 1994 issue of
his newsletter, the Meta Research Bulletin, P.O. Box 15186, Chevy
Chase, MD 20825.
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